White Quarter Spring

White Quarter Spring

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White Quarter Spring
  • Glute lunge on long box (#009)

    Glute Lunge on Long Box

    Level 2 / White Spring
    Muscle group in focus: Glutes / Trunk Stability

    Set Up
    White spring / Box in Long box position
    Left foot on platform
    Right foot on box
    Find balance & then lift hands on hips, rising tall.

    Layer 1
    Slowly slide carriage away bending into th...

  • Glute lunge with knee on long box (#010)

    Glute lunge Variation with single knee on long box.

    1 White Spring / or no springs for advanced
    Long Box
    Muscle Focus: Glutes / Trunk Stability

    Set Up:
    Begin standing on platform, holding foot bar. Take left shin onto long box. Press knee back until hip extended. Fingertips by temples.


  • Plank on Footbar and Longbox (#012)

    Plank on Foot-bar / Long-box

    Suitable for Level 2
    Level 1 could be done on a blue spriing with feet positioned on
    platform for Level 1. Option for confident movers to place feet on the .

    Set Up
    White spring or blue for more
    support & long box.
    Place feet on foot-bar and hands on to...

  • Ab curl variation for level 2 (#013)

    Ab Curl Variation / Level 2

    Set Up:
    White Spring

    Cue Body Position Set Up
    Sitting in center of carriage, facing side. Have straps on shoulder blocks to
    set up.

    Shuffle forward, sitting on the edgeof the carriage.
    Pick up the front strap and pass to opposite hand.
    Bring yourself down to lie ...

  • Single Arm on Short Box (#014)

    Single arm exercise withshort box
    Including bicep curls - shoulder press with balance control challenge.

    Level 2 / Low Stability
    White Spring

    Set up
    Hands on footbar.
    Stand up & place left shinontop of box.
    With bottom still down, reach back and take same strap as shin on the box.
    Option to bri...

  • 4 Point Bird Dog Variation (#015)

    Bird Dog Variation

    Level 2 / White Spring or Blue for stronger client
    Muscle group in focus: Core Stability & Upper body

    Set Up 4 Point Kneeling facing forward. White Spring or Blue for stronger client. Hands at edge of carriage stacked under shoulders Centred on right, hand in left strap.

  • Single Arm front rowing variation (#017)

    Single Arm Front Rowing Variation

    Set Up
    Level 2 / White Spring / Offer blue to a strong client.
    Muscle group in focus: Core Stability & Upper bod / front of shoulders.

    Strap in right hand, weight in left hand. Elbow bent to 90deg in offering position.
    Left hand weight arm in goal postposition...

  • Hip Lift on Elevated box (#018)

    Hip Lift on elevated box

    Level 2 / White Spring
    Muscle group in focus: Trunk stability & hamstring focus

    Set Up /
    White spring or blue for more support.
    Dumbbells in hands for a chest fly movement (Pectoral muscles)
    Seated on edge of carriage
    Elbows on box, feet on headrest

    To come up, bring s...

  • Side Arm Variation / External Rotation (#020)

    Side Arm Series with external rotation of shoulder

    Level 1 or Level 2 White spring or Blue for stronger client.
    Muscle Focus: Trunk stability & Rotator cuff focus

    Set Up
    Kneeling against blocks wider knees to give wider base of support.
    Short loop in footbar arm. Weighted ball in inside ar...

  • Glute Lunge Variation on Elevated box (#019)

    Elevated Lunge Series

    Set Up 1 White Spring / Level 2
    Box on Platform
    Optional Circle in hands
    Start standing on box with both feet.

    Layer 1 / Single leg squat
    Hinge forward and lower left leg off back of box.
    Option to raise arms overhead.
    Option to lower halfway or to tap the car...

  • Side Arm Variation / Anterior Deltoid (#021)

    Side Arm Variation / Anterior Deltoid

    Set Up 1 white spring / blue for stronger client.
    Strap inside arm, weight in foot-bar arm.
    Start by rising up to high kneeling.
    Strap arm lifted to side and bent in a 90-degree bend, palm down. Weighted arm in goal post position

    Layer 1
    Keep arm i...

  • Modified Long Stretch / Wheelbarrow (#025)

    Modified Long stretch / Wheelbarrow

    Setup / W or B spring for support. Prenatal or heavier clients may require a more supportive BW.

    Kneeling on carriage facing foot bar, feet against shoulder blocks, hands on bar.

    Find a modified plank position, lowering front of hips down toward foot bar....

  • Kneeling Inner Thigh (#026)

    Kneeling inner thigh / adductor with rotation

    Set up / W Spring or No springs for L2
    Kneeling on carriage & platform.
    Set of dumbbells if appropriate.
    Arms start reaching overhead, palms facing forward.

    Layer 1 /
    Slide carriage away & drop arms into a goal post position. Squeeze carr...

  • Glute Lunge on Floor (#027)

    Glute lunge light spring on floor

    Set up / W spring or B spring for support

    Outside R foot on floor, heel in-line with top of carriage while closed.
    Inside foot against shoulder block.
    Hands lightly touching bar or on hips.

    Initial Movement /
    Slide carriage away, bending into R knee, h...

  • Offset Plank (#041)

    Offset Plank
    Level 2 / Great full body exercise for challenging core
    strength and control of the carriage.

    Set Up / White Spring or Blue for support.
    Box set up on floor. Edge of box to edge of carriage.
    Feet against shoulder block furthest away.
    Hands framing the outer corner of box.

    Start by...

  • Glute Lunge Box on Floor Variation (#042)

    Glute Lunge Variation on Box
    Level 2 / Props = Single Dumbbell
    This is a challenging glute lunge variation that includes both a hinged shape and 90/90 lunge.

    Set Up / Box on floor in line with top of carriage.
    Left Box on top corner of box, Right foot against shoulder block.
    Weight in righ...

  • Split Stance Squat with Rotation / All Levels (#043)

    Split Squat with rotation / L2 Variation

    Can be modified for all levels.
    Foundation / Perform on floor.
    Prenatal / Perform on floor

    If you are working the right side, set up with right foot forward (top corner of box). Left forward in lower corner of box. Dumbbell in left hand.


  • Side Arm Draw the sword double arm variation (#045)

    Side Arm / Draw the sword variation
    Suitable for both Reformer 1 & 2 classes.
    White Spring or Blue Spring for stronger clients.

    Kneeling beside shoulder blocks.
    Strap is in foot bar arm.
    Dumbbell is in riser arm.

    Start in a hover position, hinging forward at hips, with a straight back....

  • Dynamic Plank Exercise (#047)

    Dynamic Plank Variation

    This dynamic plank is fantastic for challenging Reformer 2 clients with a varied set up to keep their brain and body stimulated. This video shows 1 full set with both sides, but aim to complete this an additional tiime. This exercise is designed to be included in a whit...

  • Reverse Lune and Scooter Series for Reformer 2

    Reverse Lunge Cluster

    Lunge --> Scooter Flow --> Narrow row

    Suitable for Reformer 2

    Set Up
    Clients can choose dumbbells for a narrow row. Heavier weights will provide a more challenging lunge as body load is increased.

    Front foot on carriage, rear foot with heel lifted.

    Layer 1 / Lunge to ...