Glute lunge on long box (#009)
White Quarter Spring
1m 55s
Glute Lunge on Long Box
Level 2 / White Spring
Muscle group in focus: Glutes / Trunk Stability
Set Up
White spring / Box in Long box position
Left foot on platform
Right foot on box
Find balance & then lift hands on hips, rising tall.
Layer 1
Slowly slide carriage away bending into the left knee.
Digging through left heel to grow tall & close carriage.
Progression: Sweep arms up to frame the face.
Bring back to your sides as your draw back to the stopper.
Layer 2 / Add a hold & Arm Sweep
Take left hand and sweep it down to left hand side.
Gaze follows the fingertips.
Bringing it back and drawing carriage back in.
Layer 3 / Increase time under tension
Hold carriage out. Next time you sweep arm down, add in one scooter. Grow tall.
Finish sequence holding low and/or combine arm sweeps with scooter.
Dig heel & grow tall.
1) Hands behind head & add rotation instead of arm sweep.
2) Use Dumb bells / ball / circle / pole as a prop
3) Advanced no springs
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