Foundation Level

Key Focus/Goals:
- Build foundational strength and confidence in stable / safe positions.
- How to set up reformer and change springs
- Safety on Reformer – how to get onto machine, working on light springs ie , use of footbar for balance
- How to get feet into straps (on back or side)
- Establish key body positions….Supine, 4 point kneeling, prone, standing, side kneeling and sitting facing forward and back.
- Introduce key movement patterns – squat, lunge, hip hinge, pull in different planes, press, tabletop hold – teaching pelvic position (anterior /posterior pelvic tilt)
- Slower paced class that accommodates all levels of fitness
- Opportnities to rest/reset/stretch after working a muscle group.
- Continuous education on how to increase challenge of a given exercise – body position, spring tension.
- Identify stronger clients and adjust to more challenging spring option.
- Identifying clients on intro offer who have a good base level of strength/ body awareness – advise trialling Level 1.

- Can mobilise without walking aid.
- Can independently rise from a low seat (can get on and off reformer).
- Can lift their own box and equipment.
- Does not have an acute injury.

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  • Glute Focused 4 Point Cluster on Blue Spring with Ball (#002)

  • Glute Lunge Layer / Foundation suitable / Blue Spring (#006)

  • Side Arm Series / Foundation suitable / Blue Spring (#007)

    Goals / Great weight bearing cluster that builds up familiairty in a 4 point position, control of carriage, and coordination.

    Muscle focuses are trunk, shoulder and glutes.

    A good Foundation and Level 1 exercise as spring tension can be added for increased stability, or lowered if clients need ...

  • Warm Up / Half curl back (#024)

    Warm up / Half curl back

    Shuffle forward to edge of carriage.
    Sit tall on sit bones. Arms parallel to floor.

    Layer 1 /
    Scoop through tummy, rolling back, nod head to roll forward & grow tall, lifting arms above head, follow with eye gaze.

    Progression /
    Curl back hold, open...

  • Kneeling Side Arm Series / Level 1 (#028)

    Kneeling Side Arm Series with External Rotation

    Set Up / Blue Spring or White for easier
    Kneeling, knees a little wider.
    Strap in foot bar hand. Dumbbells in head rest hand.
    Arms in an X position across your front.

    Starting in a hover. Hinge forward and hover bottom off heels. (Hip...

  • Alternate Side Arm Series for Level 1 / Sitting (#029)

    Side Arm Series Modification for Level 1

    If you have clients in your class who can’t tolerate kneeling, you can set the class up sitting on the box as an alternate option.

    Set Up /
    Strap in foot bar hand, across front of body.
    Sitting tall on sit bones.
    Hold inside arm with dumbbell in...

  • Reverse Knee Tucks / Level 1 (#030)

    Reverse Knee Tucks

    Set Up / Blue Spring
    Facing shoulder blocks, walk hands onto rails.
    A little bit of space between knees and blocks.
    Bring weight forward so shoulders are over hands.

    Layer 1 / Base
    Tuck knees under hips, keeping shoulders over wrists, release knees back. 45 - 60 se...

  • Side Plank Opt 1 / On Floor (#040)

    Side Plank on Floor

    Suitable for Foundation to Level 1
    Highly stable, great for beginners and prenatal.
    Progresses towards standing on carriage which would be a progression for Level 1 clients, building towards Star.

    Set Up /
    Foot Bar up. Standing behind machine.
    Could start this move wi...

  • Split Stance Squat with Rotation / All Levels (#043)

    Split Squat with rotation / L2 Variation

    Can be modified for all levels.
    Foundation / Perform on floor.
    Prenatal / Perform on floor

    If you are working the right side, set up with right foot forward (top corner of box). Left forward in lower corner of box. Dumbbell in left hand.


  • Lateral Glute Squat Lunge Floor Variation (#044)

    Lateral Lunge Series Reformer 1 Variation

    Could be adapted to Foundation with spring option / and balance with pole. Could be adapted to Reformer 2 with dumbbells and more time under tension.

    Set Up // BW or R spring to target lateral glutes. Bar Up for balance/body placement. Stand in...

  • Back Rowing Preps on box Foundation (#049)

    Double leg to single leg table top:
    Same springs as footwork to provide stability.
    This exercise targets the hamstrings and spinal mobility.
    Prenatal: Ok for Trimester 1
    Trimester 2 & 3 stay on double leg. Can also do this move woff the reformer on a swissball as an option if more comfortabl...

  • Bridges with Spinal Mobility Foundation (#050)

    Double feet on bar
    Spring options; RRB or RRR (Weaker clients could regress to a RR)

    This exercise targets the quads on the pushing out phase and the glutes and hamstrings on the resisting in phase. It’s also good for establishing trunk control to keep pelvis still.

    1.Heels on - Feet parallel o...

  • Modified Plank Abdominals Focus Foundation (#051)

    Abdominals / Modified / Kneeling plank preparation

    Hands on bar
    1 exercise- 3 layers.

    This exercise targets the abdominals and core with a lighter spring / it also contains a “push” element.

    1.Scap control (thinking about pushing body up).
    Sink and lift chest to find the snap control.

    2. S...

  • Double Leg Footwork Foundation (#052)

    Footwork /Double leg
    Spring options; RRB or RRR (Weaker clients could regress to a RR)

    This exercise targets the quads on the pushing out phase and the glutes and hamstrings on the resisting in phase. It’s also good for establishing trunk control to keep pelvis still.

    1.Heels on - Feet parallel...

  • Side Arms on Box Foundation (#053)

    Side Arms seated on box
    Sitting on Box 3-6 exercises each side.
    1 Blue spring

    This exercise targets the upper body and internal/external shoulder muscles. It contains both pull and push and rotation movements.

    1.Internal shoulder rotation (inside arm to risers) open the door
    2.internal shoulde...

  • Sprinter Foundation (#054)

    Sprinter 1 exercise / 4 layers off the same exercise.
    1 Blue spring / Stan ding foot on floor)

    This exercise is functional full body integration standing exercise with a compound leg movement that targets the glutes and challenges balance.

    1.Balance on standing foot + arms up/down
    2. single le...